Audio Projects

Verilog and Circuit explorations


Ultimately I struggled with my catagories for "Audio Projects" and "Digital." I settled that here will be the music-making projects, whereas something like the FPGA Audio Codec was more of a digital device since it doesn't make any music on its own.

This is the documentation for my audio-related projects. I've put my FPGA, analog circuit, or software DSP projects here. I really enjoy making my own audio processing, and trying to do something different than what's already out there.

Click on the images on the right or the headers of each project to see more about each thing!

A polyphonic midi controlled synthesizer with a touchscreen that you can draw your audio waveform on.

Waveform Synthesizer Image

A 3 voice volts-per-octave analog synthesizer with a VCA, envolope generator, and pitch glide.

This is an old project from high school that I made a project PDF of. It was the first time I made a PCB and really messed around with circuits.